Lawrence I. Nwachukwu, PE Click to go back
Director/Project Manager (Lawrence I. Nwachukwu, P.E.)
Experience and Qualifications Mr. Lawrence I. Nwachukwu is the President of Basilico Engineering Incorporated. In this capacity, Mr. Nwachukwu is the Principal as well as the Chief Contractual Officer. He outlines the short and long-time strategic plans, develops business and marketing strategies, and approves financial and budgeting plans. |
Mr. Nwachukwu has
about 20 years of engineering experience, which includes ten years of
cumulative experience with notable private firms and outstanding public
agencies such as the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) and
Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT. While at MSD, he worked
within the Engineering Department for about 8 years and designed many
sanitary sewer and storm water conveyance projects. He also performed
engineering and technical reviews and management of several wastewater
plant studies, improvements, and designs.
Mr. Nwachukwu has also worked for some very large consulting
engineering firms such as Woodward-Clyde (now part of URS Corporation),
Woolpert LLP, and Professional Service Industries in their environmental,
geotechnical, and material testing divisions.
Mr. Lawrence I. Nwachukwu is a licensed professional engineer in
the state of Missouri and Illinois. |
Representative Project Experience Basilico Engineering, Incorporated President/Principal Jan. 2000 – Present. |
The New I-64/Highway 40 Design-Build Project, Parsons/Missouri Department of Transportation, January 20, 2007 to 2010 (Basilico Engineering – Drainage & Utility Design). The New I-64 is a project to reconstruct 12 miles of urban interstate highway, interchanges and bridges from west of Spoede Road to Sarah Street (east of Boyle Avenue) on I-64, and from south of Brentwood Boulevard to Eager Road on I-170. It involved the preparation of design plans, hydraulic modeling, specifications, quantities, cost estimates for the design-build of this 12 Mile portion of I-64/Highway 40 improvement. This is the first design-build project in the State of Missouri. The entire project involves Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) lanes, reinforced concrete pipe for drainage, sewage lines, retaining walls (median and outer roads), erosion control measures, signage, utilities relocation and traffic control. Total Project Cost is $535 Million. Basilico Engineering Design Fee: $410,000. Mr. Nwachukwu is the Basilico’s Principal on this project. |
The New Holcim Cement Plant (Possibly largest Worldwide), St.Genevieve, Missouri. Basilico Engineering is performing On-Call Material Testing as a Sub-Consultant to PSI, Inc/Washington Group/Alberici. The project involved material testing/geotechnical services, quality control, inspections, and report writing. It involved on-site Slump test, Air tests, Temperature, making and curing of cylinders, as well as making, breaking, and recording the strengths of cylinders. Also included are tests for Standard and Modified Proctor, Moisture Content, Specific gravity, Compression tests on concrete cylinders, Marshall tests, Unconfined compressive stress tests, Consolidation tests and L.A. abrasion tests on soil, concrete, and asphalt materials. The estimated design and construction cost for this project is $1.0 Billion Dollars. Basilico Engineering fee will vary based on requests. Mr. Nwachukwu was Basilico’s Project Principal/Leader on this project. Ref: Mr. Greg Chamblis, CIE, Branch Manager at PSI, Inc. |
The I-55/I-64 Geotechnical Services: MoDOT’s Proposed ITS Towers on Rte I-55 & I-64 (J6I1838); - Missouri Department of Transportation --- St. Louis & Jefferson Counties, Missouri. This project involved subsurface exploration on 10 testholes of approximate depth 10 ft to 45 ft and an extensive coordination with all affected utility companies as well as drilling firm. There were several combinations of soil boring and rock coring. Also this project also involved an extensive traffic control processes and an interstate work hours restrictions. There were extensive logging, sampling, and visual inspection, and sample interpretations by Basilico’s site engineers. Laboratory testing – This involved review of samples, assignment of test types, test performance, and preparation of laboratory log of boring. Report preparation and Management – This involved the review and interpretation of laboratory test results by engineer, geological considerations, report writing, editing, and review by in-house QA/QC team: This project covered a wide range of area namely: Arsenal, Gasconade, Union, Reavis Barracks, Route M along I-55 and Jefferson, 20th Street, and 14th Street along I-64. Approximate Design Fee = $90,000; Met Cost/Budget/Schedule; Mr. Nwachukwu was Basilico’s Project Principal/Leader on this project. Reference: Mr. Allan Miller, P.E, Geotechnical Engineer at MoDOT @ (573) 526-5730. |
I-64/Highway 40 Material Testing Services – 12 Mile Highway Improvement, New Interchanges, and New Bridges. Basilico Engineering is performing On-Call Material Testing as a Sub-Consultant to Gateway Constructors (Granite, Fred Webber, and Millstone Bangert)., St.Louis, Missouri. The project involved geotechnical engineering/material testing services, quality control, inspections, and report writing. It involved laboratory tests such as Sieve Analysis for coarse and fine aggregates/backfill material, testing for Deleterious Material, Atterberg Limits, pH, Organics, Resistivity, Chloride, and Soundness using Magnesium Sulphate. Also included are tests for Standard and Modified Proctor, Moisture content, Specific gravity, Compression tests on concrete cylinders, Marshall tests, Unconfined compressive stress tests, Consolidation tests and L.A. Abrasion tests on soil, concrete, and asphalt materials. Furthermore, it will also involve on-site nuclear density tests, slump tests, and air tests. In addition, The estimated design and construction cost for this project is $535 Million Dollars. Basilico Engineering fee will vary based on requests. Mr. Nwachukwu was Basilico’s Project Principal/Leader on this project. .Ref: Mr. Nestor Corella, QA/QC Manager at Gateway Constructors |
Illinois Department of Transportation/United Services of Chicago On The Job Training Programs for Technicians/Future Engineers – Basilico Engineering Principals Involved in the Development and Lectureship – Geotechnical Engineering and Material Testing. This project involved the development and training of technicians/future engineers using a combination of an on-the-job training and a structured academic environment. Basilico Engineering principals are involved in the development, administration, and lectureships. Basilico Principals core areas are in the Geotechnical Engineering and Material Testing areas. Other courses emphasized in the program are inspections and some highway design. Basilico Engineering has quite a few technicians that have passed through the program. |
CSO-Clayton Rd & Haddington Ct (I-94) (Black Creek Sanitary Relief Sewer) (Sewer Separation and Interceptor Elimination - Horner & Shifrin, Inc/MSD – St. Louis, Missouri. This project involved the preparation of design plans, specifications, quantities, cost estimates for the design of a combined sewer separation for approximately 2000 linear feet of 15-inch combined sewer, design of approximately 500 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary relief sewer, and an elimination of an interceptor and appurtenances to replace an existing overcharged system. This project also involves an identification and replacement of affected laterals. Estimated Grand Total Design Fee: $1.0 Million. Basilico Engineering Design Fee: $100,000. Mr. Nwachukwu was Basilico’s Project Principal/Leader on this project. |
CC-18 Smith Creek Branch Sanitary Relief (90012) - Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (Basilico Engineering, Inc - Prime Consultant): This project involved the preparation of design plans, specifications, quantities, cost estimates for the design of approximately 6,115 linear feet of 36-inch sanitary relief sewer and appurtenances to replace an existing overcharged system. It is intended to eliminate an existing system that is hydraulically inadequate. This project also involves the abandonment of an existing pump station with its off-line retention as well as the elimination of two sanitary overflows (bypasses) that discharge to the creeks and streams. Mr. Nwachukwu was Principal/Project Manager. Approximate Estimated Construction Cost: $4.5 Million. Design Fee: $341,000 |
Lemay Pump Station #3 and Force Main Improvement Marcus (2001131) – URS Corporation/Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District – St. Louis, Missouri This project involves subsurface explorations on 20 test holes of approximate depths of 20 ft to 100ft of soil and rock, mostly St. Louis limestone of Mississippian age. This project involved an extensive rock coring for a proposed Tunnel, Shaft, Pump Station, Forcemain, and Storm sewer. Specifically it involves logging, sampling, visual inspections, piezometer installations, laboratory testing, test result analysis, and finally preparations of two formal reports. Many lab test performed are unavailable in any laboratory locally: Brazilian Tensile, Cerchar Abrasivity, Uniaxial Compressive, Thin Section Petrographics. Basilico Engineering Design Fee: $150,000. Mr. Nwachukwu was Basilico’s Project Principal/Leader on this project. |
Missouri River WWTP Improvement (99076) – Burns & McDonnell/Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District – St. Louis, Missouri This project involved the review and research of USEPA and MDNR regulations, literatures and publications on Siloxane related issues. Basilico Engineering performed the coordination and sampling of Digested Gas for Siloxane testing, determinations, and conclusions. Basilico Engineering reviewed lab test results prepared and analyzed by Applied Filter Technology (AFT). Basilico Engineering prepared and submitted the Technical Memorandum on the findings, approaches, and cost to eliminate siloxane (silicon dioxide SiO2) and it’s related problems on the engine systems. Mr. Nwachukwu was Basilico’s Project Leader. Estimated Grand Total Design Fee for Entire WWTP Improvement: $3.5 Million, Basilico’s Fee for Siloxane Removal: $75,000 |
Harlem-Baden Storm Relief Phase III, Kossuth & Marcus (2001131) – TDP St. Louis, Inc/Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District – St. Louis, Missouri. This project involves the preparation of hydraulic modeling and providing QA/QC for various stormwater improvements at the Harlem-Baden watershed. This project is divided into two phases - full engineering design as well as watershed study. It also involves overseeing the preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates. Estimated construction cost is approximately about $1.1 Million for design and about $1.0 Million for watershed study. |
Spoede Acres & Oak Park Storm Sewer (2000111) – City Design Group/Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District – St. Louis, Missouri. This project involves the preparation of a detailed hydraulics modeling and providing QA/QC. It also involves the overseeing of the preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for the construction of approximately 1405 linear feet of sewers ranging in size from 12 to 42 inches. Also involved in this project is construction inspections. Estimated Construction Cost is $0.3 Million. |
Geotechnical Services: Greenview to Berry Storm Sewer (2000107) – Heideman & Associates, Inc/ Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District --- St. Louis, Missouri. This project involved subsurface exploration on 10 testholes of approximate depth 10 ft to 16 ft and an extensive coordination with all affected utility companies as well as drilling firm. It also involved logging, sampling, and visual inspection and interpretations by engineer. Laboratory testing – This involved review of samples, assignment of test types, test performance, and preparation of laboratory log of boring. Report preparation and Management – This involved the review and interpretation of laboratory test results by engineer, report writing, editing, and review by in-house QA/QC team. This section culminated in the preparation of two reports: Geotechnical Data Report and Geotechnical Evaluation Report. Total geotechnical fee: $17,000. |
Geotechnical Services: Spoede Acres & Oak Park Storm Sewer (2000111) ----City Design Group, Inc/Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District: This project involved subsurface exploration on 5 testholes of approximate depth 10 ft to 12.5 ft and an extensive coordination with all affected utility companies as well as drilling firm. It also involved logging, sampling, and visual inspection and interpretations by engineer. Laboratory testing – This involved review of samples, assignment of test types, test performance, and preparation of laboratory log of boring. Report preparation and Management – This involved the review and interpretation of laboratory test results by engineer, report writing, editing, and review by in-house QA/QC team. This section culminated in the preparation of two reports: Geotechnical Data Report and Geotechnical Evaluation Report. Total geotechnical fee: $8,400. |
Nettlecreek-Brookwood Sanitary Relief (Brookwood Section), Metropolitan Sewer District—St. Louis, Missouri. This project involved preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for approximately 3,300 linear feet of 12-inch sanitary sewer. It involved the elimination of basement backups during heavy rainfall events, deactivation of sanitary sewer overflow structure (bypass), and elimination of any aerial creek crossings. As Project Manager, Mr. Nwachukwu oversaw the entire project and was the sole contact between Woolpert and the District. He was also the sole contact between Woolpert and the utility companies, the homeowners, and other public agencies. This project will be completed about two months ahead of schedule and below the estimated budget. |
Deicing Runoff Collection and Detention Systems, Lambert St. Louis International Airport – St. Louis, Missouri. This project involved the preparation of plans, specifications, and cost estimates for 15,800 lineal feet of force-main with pipe sizes from 8 inches to 20 inches, seven (7) diversion chambers, one (1) metering stations, four (4) submersible pumps stations, and a circular detention tank of 135 diameter and 17.5 feet high |
74th Street Pump Station and Force Main Design—Belleville, Illinois. The project-involved preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for an 8-inch gravity sewer, 4-inch force main, and pump station for the City of Belleville and Stookey Township. |
Water Treatment Plant Improvements—Village of Verona, Ohio. The project involved the preparation of design plans, especially hydraulic grade line analysis, specifications, and cost estimate for water systems improvement. |
Water Treatment Plant Improvements—Town of Wayne, West Virginia. The project involved design calculations and improvements to an existing water treatment plant. |
Lower Meramec Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Plan, Metropolitan Sewer District—St. Louis, Missouri. The project consisted of the design of a regional treatment plant for the ultimate consolidation of the Meramec Lagoon, Baumgartner Lagoon, Fenton WWTP, and Grand Glaize WWTP. This project involved estimation of flows, TSS, and BOD loadings as well as the full design of the unique wastewater treatment plant. Trickling filter process was the chosen method of secondary treatment. It also included the development of a wetland and an educational recreation facility. Total Construction Cost was approx = $200,000,000. Mr. Nwachukwu was MSD’s Project Review Engineer. Project was completed on schedule and within budget. |
Coldwater Plant Improvement Plan, Metropolitan Sewer District—St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved a study and improvement report for the design of the preliminary and primary treatment systems with room for the blending of secondary and bypass flows at peak influent conditions. Anaerobic Digestion was unchanged as the chosen method of secondary treatment. Total estimated construction cost was approximately $55,000,000. Project was completed on time and within budget. |
Missouri River Wastewater Improvement Plan, Metropolitan Sewer District—St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved a study and improvement report for the design of the preliminary, primary, and secondary treatment systems. Anaerobic Digestion was unchanged as the chosen method of secondary treatment. The treatment process at study stage suggested adopting bypassing of primary treatment at peak flow and blending of its effluent with secondary effluent prior to discharge. This option was later revised during full-design to treatment of all flow using storage of peak flow conditions. Estimated Construction Cost = $48,000,000 (@ study stage). Estimated Construction Cost = $43,000,000 (@ full-design) |
PB-03 Des Peres to Frederick Sanitary Relief, Phase III, Metropolitan Sewer District — St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved the preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for 1,660 feet of a 21-48 inch sanitary relief sewer, with service laterals, to replace an overcharged existing sanitary sewer. |
Upper Grand Glaize Sanitary Relief Sewer, Phase I, Metropolitan Sewer District - St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved the preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for 4,570 feet of 12-24 inch sanitary sewer, with service laterals, to replace an overcharged existing sanitary sewer. |
Upper Grand Glaize Sanitary Reilef Sewer, Phase II, Metropolitan Sewer District — St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved the preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for 3,288 feet of 8-21 inch sanitary relief sewer, with service laterals, to replace an overcharged existing sanitary sewer. |
Upper Grand Glaize Sanitary Relief Sewer, Phase III, Metropolitan Sewer District — St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved the preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for 3,522 feet of 8-18 inch sanitary sewer, with service laterals, to replace an overcharged existing sanitary sewer. |
Rott Road Wastewater Plant Elimination, Metropolitan Sewer District—St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved the preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for 731 feet of an 8-inch sanitary relief sewer, with service lateral, and for the elimination of an existing and deteriorated package plant that is in violation of the NPDES permit. |
Forest Ridge Sanitary Interceptor, Metropolitan Sewer District—St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved the preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for 1,418 feet of an 8-inch sanitary sewer for the replacement of an existing pump station and the abandonment of a deteriorating wastewater treatment plant that was in violation with the NPDES permit. |
MC-03 Marlborough Sanitary Relief Sewer, Metropolitan Sewer District—St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved the preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for 4,334 feet of 8-36 inch sanitary sewer, with service laterals, to replace an overcharged existing sanitary sewer. |
Carolynne Sanitary Relief Phase II, Metropolitan Sewer District—St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved the preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for 3,853 feet of an 8-15 inch sanitary sewer, with service laterals, to replace an existing sanitary sewer. |
Bluebird–Aspen Sanitary Relief Sewer, Metropolitan Sewer District—St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved the preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for 878 feet of a 12-inch sanitary sewer, with service laterals, to replace an existing sanitary sewer. |
Mark Twain Florissant Sanitary Sewer, Metropolitan Sewer District—St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved the preparation of design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for 2,710 feet of an 8-15 inch sanitary sewer, with service laterals, to replace an existing sanitary sewer. |
U.S. 51 Geotechnical, IDOT, Woodward-Clyde/IDOT—Collinsville, Illinois. The project involved geotechnical explorations, calculations, analysis, and report preparation. Also, included are laboratory and computer duties. |
Obion River Bridge Project—Woodward-Clyde Consultants. The project involved geotechnical investigation regarding a bridge failure during construction. Also, included are the calculations, analysis, and report writing on the cause of failure and suggestions for remediation. |
Lake Montowese Dam Project, Meclelland Consultants—Jefferson County, Missouri. The project involved geotechnical engineering and report writing as well as construction management of the earth dam including quality control of improvements in its spillway. |
Illinois Department of Transportation/CSR—E. St. Louis, Illinois. This project involved providing services to sub-contractors for an effective partnership and joint ventures with prime contractors. Duties included quantity takeoff, estimating, pre-bid, project meetings, and certifications, pre-qualification, pre-award, and post-award services. Dealt with State officials, Directors, and Senior Consultants. |
The Ritz Carlton Hotel Complex, Clayton – Professional Service Industries, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved geotechnical engineering investigation, progress documentation, report writing, as well as quality control of construction activities. It also involved on-site nuclear density tests, hand penetrometer tests, slump tests, and air tests. In addition, it also involved lab tests such as standard and modified proctor, atterberg limits, moisture contents, specific gravity, particle size analysis, unconfined compressive stress test, consolidation test, L.A. Abrasion tests, Marshall tests, and concrete cylinder tests on soil, concrete, and asphalt materials. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Complex, Downtown – Prof. Service Industries, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved geotechnical investigation, quality control, and report writing. It also involved on-site nuclear density tests, hand penetrometer tests, slump tests, and air tests. It also involved laboratory tests such as modified proctor, atterberg limits, moisture contents, specific gravity, particle size analysis, unconfined compressive tests, consolidation tests, compressive tests on concrete cylinders, and L.A. Abrasion tests on soil and concrete materials. |
U.S. Army Record Center, Page Blvd – Prof. Service Industries, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved geotechnical engineering investigations, quality control, progress documentation, and report writing. It also involved on-site nuclear density tests, slump tests, and air tests. In addition, it involved laboratory tests such as standard and modified proctor, atterberg limits, moisture content, specific gravity, particle size analysis, unconfined compressive stress tests, consolidation tests, compression tests on concrete cylinders, Marshall tests, and L.A. Abrasion tests on soil, concrete, and asphalt materials. |
Government Court House, Edwardsville – Prof. Service Industries, Inc., St. Louis, Illinois. The project involved geotechnical quality control, investigation, and report writing. It also involved on-site nuclear density tests, hand penetrometer tests, slump tests, and air tests. In addition, it involved laboratory tests such as modified proctor, atterberg limits, moisture contents, specific gravity, particle size analysis, unconfined compressive tests, consolidation tests, compressive tests on concrete cylinders tests on soil and concrete materials. |
Quick Trips, Various Locations – Prof. Service Industries, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri. The project involved geotechnical engineering investigations, quality control, progress documentation, and report writing. It also involved on-site nuclear density tests, slump tests, and air tests. In addition, it involved laboratory tests such as standard and modified proctor, atterberg limits, moisture content, specific gravity, particle size analysis, unconfined compressive stress tests, consolidation tests, compression tests on concrete cylinders, Marshall tests, and L.A. Abrasion tests on soil, concrete, and asphalt materials. |
Illinois Department of Transportation/Fairview Heights (now Collinsville), Illinois. This was Co-Op Student employment. I was involved in a variety of highways and bridge design projects such as the Alton Bridge, Alton Highway modification, Belleville Highway expansion, SIUE Roadway Entrance Construction inspections. |
Education M.S.,
Environmental Engineering, Southern Illinois University B.S., Civil Engineering, Southern Illinois University Professional Registration Professional
Engineer—Missouri E-25430, Illinois E-062-054612 IT/Computer Skills BEI-PROMANG
(In-house Developed Program Management Software) XP-Swmm2000,
Hydraflow, StormCad, AutoCad, HEC, Ms Excel, Gint, Ms Word, Aegis
Humboldt Scientific, Inc. Radiation
Safety Officer (RSO Certified) Radiological
Safety and Gauge Use (Nuclear
Density Gauge)
Missouri Department
of Transportatio Trained
Inspection and QA/QC Professional Membership American
Council of Engineering Companies: (Member - Transportation,
Environmental, and Engineering Excellence Subcommittees) Regional
Growth and Commerce Association (RCGA) National
Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Missouri
Society of Professional Engineers (Budget Chairman 1999/2000 &
2000/2001) National
Society of Black Engineers (Former Treasurer St. Louis Gateway Chapter) National
Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA) Water Environment Federation (WEF) |
Mr. Lawrence Nwachukwu is a Naturalized U.S. Citizen Click to go back